17 years of diversified experience in the Banking and Finance sector,various skills, such as an ex-banker with multinational Banks; Banque Bemo Saudi Faransi and FRANSABANK Group, Corporate Governance Advisor for Board Members with two Banks and more than 3 different financial and investment companies ,Certified by AAOIFI in Islamic Professional Accounting ,Governance and Shari’a Advising and Auditing (CIPA)(CSAA), becoming a Certified by CIBAFI , CISI Certificates Trainer ,Advisor with IICRA, UAE SCA Rules and Reg. Advisor |Instructor with Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department-H.H.The Ruler's Court ,Instructor with Emirates Institute for Banking and Financial Studies EIBFS .Graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economic-Finance & Banking and a Master (MSc.) in Banking and Financial Sciences, PhD. Economic-Doctoral degree in GCC economical growth - Post Doc. Investment,starting my professional life in renowned banks such as Banque Bemo Saudi Faransi, being awarded Deputy Regional Main Branch Manager at FRANSABANK Group, and launching retail banking branches and training centers across the Middle East, I was groomed to join lots of Financial Institutions in UAE and AFRICA as a Head of Control and Banking Polices Managament.I have a vision, a clear one, that I always aspire to achieve and it consumes my daily thinking and it is…serving the Banking and Financial Industry with all my efforts and skill set that I currently possess.